BIMTECH Business Perspectives
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Shelleka Gupta1, Ronnie Dutt1, Antra Sharma1 and Bonia Sharma1

First Published 30 May 2024.
Article Information Volume 5, Issue 1 June 2024
Corresponding Author:

Ronnie Dutt, The Business School, University of Jammu, J&K 180006, India.

1 The Business School, University of Jammu, J&K, India

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Gamification is one of the most popular and exciting digital marketing tools. The use of gaming aspects in sectors other than gaming is called ‘Gamification’. Several well-known companies like Nike, MakeMyTrip, Amazon, Paytm, Zomato, One Plus and Flipkart use this innovative marketing tool to share their informational and entertaining marketing content with potential consumers. Using gamified content, brands tap into their consumers’ competitive nature and accelerate their engagement by rewarding them with discount coupons and other shopping benefits. Hence, owing to the amplified popularity and increased usage of gamification in marketing, this review article deliberates in detail about gamification as a digital marketing tool. The article proposes a theoretical framework based on the theory of uses and gratifications in the gamification context. Additionally, it also highlights the several positive outcomes marketers can enjoy using gamification in their digital marketing campaigns. Implications and future research agendas are also discussed.


Gamification, digital marketing, positive outcomes, uses and gratifications theory, theoretical framework


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