1 Department of Commerce, Maharshi Dayanand University Rohtak, Haryana, India
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Nowadays, content marketing is a marketing strategy used by marketers to organize, produce, and share information in order to draw in certain audiences and persuade them to make purchases. As a result, marketers are devoting a significant amount of time in producing quality content that raises awareness of their brand and piques the interest of their target audience. Consequently, the purpose of the research is to examine various published articles in content marketing to identify key themes and the extent to which research has influenced content marketing utilizing bibliometric analysis of 414 papers published in Scopus database between 1999 and 2023. The result of the study depicts that content marketing is growing at fast pace with the growing use of digital and social media marketing. The top three nations contributing to the field of content marketing are the “United States,” the “United Kingdom,” and “Germany.” Five themes have been identified as follows: Integrated digital marketing ecosystem, strategic B2B digital branding, AI-driven consumer-centric marketing, crafting a data-infused digital narrative: unveiling the intricate dance between big data, consumer behavior, and digital content marketing, and exploring the dynamic landscape of modern commerce. In accordance to the results, the primary authors and contributions in the field have been recognized, facilitating the formulation of guidelines and directions for potential research.
Content, social media, social media platforms, social media marketing, content marketing, bibliometric analysis
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