BIMTECH Business Perspectives
issue front

Khanindra Ch. Das

First Published 31 Jul 2023.
Article Information Volume 4, Issue 1 June 2023

We are pleased to bring out the June 2023 issue (Volume 4, Issue 1) of BIMTECH Business Perspectives in partnership with Sage under the Spectrum programme. With the support of contributors, reviewers and readers, the journal has reached the fourth year of its journey. The journey so far, we believe, has put a significant imprint on business and management research. We aim to take the journal to reach further heights with contribution of all stakeholders.

In terms of research focus, we continuously aim for improvements by emphasising on current and relevant issues faced in the business and management domain. With the passage of time, we have renewed our focus to encourage original research involving emerging and functional areas of business management including, but not limited to, financial markets, emerging economies, entrepreneurship and startups, emerging technology and innovation in business functions, consumer behaviour, human behaviour in management decisions, risk management, supply chain management, and business strategy. We encourage both quantitative and qualitative research methods as well mixed methods approach in answering research questions.

We are committed to timely review and publication of manuscripts submitted to the journal. Contributors to the journal can expect to receive a reply from editor’s desk within one week of submission and the first round of reviews within six weeks. Subsequent reviews wherever required is done in a time-bound manner. A final decision on the submitted manuscript can be expected within six months.

This issue of BIMTECH Business Perspectives carries four research articles and an interview. The research articles are as follows:

  1. ‘A Bibliometric Analysis of 25 Years of Workplace Deviant Behaviour Research’
  2. ‘Green HRM: An Empirical Study on Validation of Measurement Scale in Indian Environment’
  3. ‘Influence of Social and Economic Factors on Impulse Buying: A Research Framework’
  4. ‘Democratising Healthcare in India: Opportunities and Challenges’

The articles have significant relevance in the business management and economic domains. The interview is entitled Entrepreneurship Education for Social Impact. We have included the interview of Ms. Rupangi Sharma, the author of Young Indian Innovators, Entrepreneurs and Change-Makers from EFG Learning, which is aimed at highlighting the role of entrepreneurship and innovation by youths in the evolving landscape of school and college education, as well as identifying the significance of youth innovation in the Indian startup ecosystem.

In the past three volumes, we have published articles on a variety of issues. These topics range from currency market and its interactions, economic performance, valuation, consumer brand identification, consumer behaviour, impact of job burnout, revenge buying behaviour, consumer attitude towards green products, tourism, brand equity, volatility of banking sector, among others. With every successive issue we endeavour to serve the research fraternity and contribute to knowledge production in the identified discipline, which encompasses several functional and cross-functional areas.

We would like to place on record our gratitude to chief editorial advisor, Director BIMTECH, and the editorial board members from diverse fields for providing direction and guidance for the growth and development of the journal. We also thank the authors who have entrusted their faith in the journal from different parts of the world. Our reviewers who are spread across geographies have contributed to every successive issue and we are grateful for their contributions.

We sincerely hope that our readers will find contemporary insights from the content included in this issue. Any comments and suggestions may be sent to the editor by email (

Khanindra Ch. Das

Editor, BIMTECH Business Perspectives

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